Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Love Bully

Jackson & his best friend Morgan


The name Love Bully stems from my giant cuddly Doberman Pinscher Jackson; who has no idea how strong or heavy he is. Weighing in at 130 lbs, Jackson is not exactly the standard for Dobes, and is constantly leaning all of his weight against you, crushing your feet, arms, etc.

Thus my little Love Bully.

Jackson had an FCE on Saturday, and was rushed to the emergency vet clinic. Upon arrival he was paralyzed in all four limbs, and was unable to do much besides lift his head. He was, however, extremely happy to see us. Lots of nub wagging and kissing. He has since been transferred to the McAdory Veterinary Clinic and is under the care or Dr. Susan Polhemus.

He seems to be getting better everyday, however, still no luck on getting him back up on all fours again. We are continuing treatment and hoping for the best…

With that in mind; I wanted to pay homage to my “little” guy today.

Jackson enjoying the shade in Ashville, NC after a long hike

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