Monday, April 6, 2009

Little Miss No Name

In light of the recent recession, I thought I would do some research on dolls that seemed to resemble the depression era. Well this little doll takes the cake, her "name" is Little Miss No Name and she was marketed in 1965, by Hasbro. She is 15" tall and was created by a famous doll designer, Deet D'Andrade.

Each doll came barefoot and dressed in a burlap sack-type dress with stitched on patches. As far as I know this was the only outfit that she was sold wearing.

Her hand was molded so that when extended, she appeared to be begging. She also has very large, sad eyes with a large plastic teardrop under her left eye. Something about these Little Ms. No Name's is just a little creepy...


D7ana said...

My younger sister had Little Miss No Name years ago. Barbie/Chrissy/Dawn loving me never understood the appeal either. Interesting to see LMNN here after so many years. Thanks for the post.


Sheree Rensel said...

My sister had a "Little Miss No Name". In fact, she still has this doll 46 years later. She has loved it her entire life. I really never got the appeal. However, I was never (any kind of) doll person. I think she loved it because she has a care taker, nurturer kind of personality. I don't get it. I think LMNN is too sad. To each her/his own!!